Why Become a Member?

Discover why more and more educational institutions are joining EQUAA and learn more about our benefits.

Membership Benefits

Announce your membership

Publicize your membership to quality as a first step to accreditation. Announce members of your organization the benefits of becoming a member of EQUAA.

Your organization will be visible to others and recognized as an institution committed to quality education. By being a member of EQUAA, you recognize the desire of your institution to start an accreditation process that improves the quality and performance of it.

Contributes to research

One of the pillars of quality education is research. EQUAA allows through agreements with Journals and magazines the publication of research articles of its members. Through funding, you can contribute to the research of those research proposals that you consider relevant and important and you can receive funding from others.


As a member of EQUAA, you will be able to receive news from the education sector and have access to EQUAA Review. They may also apply to provide news to other members of EQUAA.